Introduction to Supervision 1: Principles of Pastoral Supervision
This graduate unit introduces the Supervisory Student to the practice of pastoral supervision.
Educational Theory and Practice of Pastoral Supervision
This graduate unit will enable the student to develop an education theory to support their practice of pastoral supervision within the context of Clinical pastoral Education.
Theological Reflection in the Practice of Pastoral Supervision
This graduate unit will enable the student to understand the theological dimension of pastoral and supervisory practice and develop a theology of Pastoral Supervision. It also seeks to equip the student to educate others in the practice of theological reflection.
Dynamics of Group Supervision in Clinical Pastoral Education
This graduate unit is designed to enable students to integrate their ability to reflect on, evaluate and refine their supervisory practice, in the context of individual and group pastoral supervision, and to equip them to meet the NSW CCPE and ANZACPE Standards for Accreditation as CP Educators.
Dynamics of the Supervisor: The Critically Informed Use of Self
This graduate unit is designed to enable students to integrate their ability to reflect on, evaluate and refine their supervisory practice, in the context of individual and group pastoral supervision, and to equip them to meet the NSW CCPE and ANZACPE Standards for Accreditation as CP Educators.
Research Methodology, Projects and Essays
This graduate course unit introduces students to the procedures and skills required to research a topic, critically evaluate research materials, organise information, and prepare a research proposal.